Chapter 17

Y/n was in her 8th month of pregnancy. she was helping taehoo in his homework. taehoo like a good was concentrating on his homework only, after sometime mrs. jeon came down and look at both of them.

she looked at y/n and sigh. "y/n" she called her. y/n looked at her noded. "can you come inside I have to talk to you about something very important" she noded and got and followed mrs jeon into the guest room.

mrs jeon made her sit at the edge of the bed as it was very difficult for her to stand for a long time with her heavy belly. "are you okay?" she asked "yes mom I'm fine" mrs jeon shook her head" you know what I mean. are you sure you want to do that"

"yes mom I'm sure. I'm giving taehyung divorce" yes Y/n finally filled the case of divorce from taehyung. and tomorrow they will officially be divorced after signing the papers.

"can you let him go? " mrs jeon asked. she knew how much Y/n loved him and even if now she says she moved on she can tell Y/n still loves taehyung. even if she denies her love from she still loves him.

"he was never mine" Y/n said looking at her. "and now whatever he is feeling right is just his guilt which he is thinking of his love towards me nothing else" mrs jeon look down.

"yes you are right just take rest and don't think about any other thing" she patted her shoulder and went away from there. Y/n just sat there and thought of taehyung.

"it's ok you are still young will get a lot better man than him" she motivated herself but then she remember the time when taehyung came to meet her.


"appa how are you" taehoo asked sitting on taehyung lap and taehyung put his hand his hand on his back to keep and made him sit properly. "appa is fine taehoo, how are you?"

"I'm also fine appa i missed you so much" he said hugging him.yn watched as both son and father duo were having there heart warming time. they both are very attached to each other.

taehoo will fell so sad to seperate from his father. when taehyung was in hospital he used to video call him everyday. and even asked me when his appa will come back everyday.

"taehoo baby you go to grandma and help her in kitchen" he noded and went inside. "how are you?" Y/n asked him while he looked at her. he came here soon as he got discharge from the hospital.

this is the first time they both are seeing each other after the outburst of Y/n in hospital room. taehyung noded and looked at her "I have to talk to you about something" he said

"I too have something to say to you" she said "you can say first" she nodded and took a deep breath "I want divorce taehyung" she said looking in his eyes. he looked at her to see if she is just jocking. but looking at her expression anyone can tell she is damn serious.

"why?" he asked even though he know the answer but he just want to hear it from her mouth. "you are asking me why?" he looked at him with rage in her eyes.

" aren't you the one who was talking about giving me divorce that day and even if you don't now I don't see any reason of us living together. " he got on his knees in front of her tried to hold her hand but she jerk it

"don't taehyung don't touch me and now I don't want to hear your any explanation." but she suddenly heard him say "I love you Y/n". she look at him in disbelief. " what did you say?" she pointed at herself and asked "you love ME?"

he noded his head "I know you must be thinking I'm lying to you but trust me please. and that day too I said about our divorce because I thought I wasn't worthy of you and was ashamed of myself for whatever I did with you"

"wasn't your true and only love sana?" "I always loved the girl who used to write those letters to me and that was you."" but for you that was sana"she screemed at him being frustrated.

why the hell he is saying now that he loves her when she finally thought to let him go. she didn't get any satisfaction or butterflies like she thought when she heard his confession insted she fealt more pathetic. yes, she always was.

"I know you are very angry at me. you must be very confused right now" taehyung tried to speak but she interrupted. "no I was never. I always loved you, imagined my future only with you, you were the only one taehyung"

he looked down "I don't know how to explain to right now but one thing for sure i don't have any feeling for sana. that night when she came back i didn't went there to patch up with instead I wanted to break everything which I had with her."

"because you got to know that she wasn't the one who used to write letters to instead she fooled you for so many years. " she said with more like mocking him and he looked down.

you are wrong, I didn't wanted to break everything just because I got to know the truth but because I was sure that time that I didn't fell anything for her and wanted to live with you and tashoo only."

"at that time was not sure about my feelings for you but i knew for sure I wanted you in my. I too wanted to live with you, I wanted to give a chance to our marriage, I too wanted to live like a normal couple with you."

"I will not say that I didn't loved sana at starting, I agree I loved her but living with you for so many changed me. just be in my place for once and imagined being cheated by the person you trust the most"

"you were my best friend from childhood and used to tell you everything about myself. even if she was fooling me i loved her and at that time i could only suspect you because you were with me on my bed"

"imagine you planed your whole life with the person you love but suddenly everything changed and some person took his place and you are forced to live with that person. how would you feel? "

"hate, right? that what I fealt that time for you. I know was wrong to blame everything on you but I was so heart broken that I can only feel comfortable while hating you."

"our wedding night was the only time I misbehaved with you but after that I never misbehaved with you, abused you. yes, I igonerd your presence because that way only I used to feel comfortable.

"it was very uncomfortable to look at you thinking you crushed all my dreams so as not to hurt you I can only make distance between ourself so that we both can live comfortable. that you gave birth to our taesoo"

that time i was so happy Y/n" he looked at her while smiling. till now both had tears in there eyes. "at time only I didn't feel anger towards you or I didn't resented you instead I feel so relived while watching taesoo.

"at that time I knew that I ni longer blamed you and I wanted to say that I forgived you but the only mistake u did was I didn't tell anything to you and instead I kept quite and never supported you you whenever my family mentally abused you"

he took a deep breath "I regret it so much Y/n I really regret each and everything I did with you, and will do whatever you want me to do, I can do anything to get your forgiveness, please"

"that divorce me taehyung, now I'm so tired of this life, I can't live with you anymore I can't forgive you nor can I forget anything you did to meme and I don't wanna give you any second chance"

taehyung stood up and looked at her. he wiped his tears "so this is what you want?" he asked and she noded. "don't worry about taesoo you can meet him whenever you want and same goes to this child"

she said keeping her hand on her belly "I will never snatch your rights from you as their father so you can rest assured" taehyung noded. "don't worry I will fulfill you wish"

saying this he went away from their while Y/n looked at him. when he was out of her sight she burst out in tears and started to cry loudly.


Y/n came out of her when taehoo came inside to call her. she wiped her tears and went out with him.


jimin came inside taehyung's room and saw him getting ready in front of mirror. "are you sure? "jimin asked "about what?" taehyung asked him.

"you know about what I'm saying taehyung" jimin said being irritated "she asked me jimin. I still wish for a miracle to happen and stop our divorce but i can't do anything. she can only live happy away from me"

jimin noded understanding. "so let's go" he said and taehyung raised his eyebrows "are you coming with me?"

"yes of course, as your soul mate i should be there with you in your tough time to laugh at you" taehyung shook his head understanding jimin said that just to lift up his mood.

taehyung came near jimin and hugged him tightly "thankyou so much jimin for supporting me, for being there for me even though I'm such a jerk" "ok i can understand you are greatfull and you should be but"

he pushed him and said "now that you are divorcing soon and going to be single why do i feel you have your eyes on me" he said crossing his hand over his chest.

taehyung shook his head seeing his overdramatic friend "let's go now" he said and and went outside.

taehyung was standing in front of court waiting for y/n with jimin and his lawyer. even though he was waiting for her he was praying inside his head to god that y/n should not come.

but all his hopes got crashed went he saw y/n coming out of can with the help of liza. she saw him and came near him..

"sorry for being late" she said while he just shook his head. "I wouldn't have mind even if you have not come today" just as he said this jimin punched him in his back. "what? " y/n asked as she didn't heard him clearly.

taehyung just shook his head "y/n there is our lawyer" liza said to y/n and they saw a man coming towards them. he talked with y/n and after sometime he turn towards taehyung "so Mr. Kim are you ready?

taehyung shook his head and Jimin pinched him "yes he is ready" jimin said instead of him soon all turned and started to go in but taehyung stayed behind.

jimin sigh and said "I know taehyung how you are feeling but remember you are doing this for y/n" jimin reminded him.

taehyung looked at y/n 's back and mumered to himself "yes you doing this for y/n happiness" saying this he also went inside even though each step he took fealt heavy.


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