Chapter 16

y/n was getting ready as today she was going to hospital for her checkup and she was also thinking about to meet taehyung.

she came down and saw Mr Kim sitting there looking at her.

"I will also come with you" he said

"no dad you should take some rest and after sometime taesoo will also come back so you should stay at home"

Mr Kim nooded his head while y/n went for her check up.


After checkup the doctor was reading her reports.

"so now everything is fine Mrs. Kim you and your baby both are in good condition. but still I will suggest you to have bed rest and not to take stress. and by next month you can know the gender of the baby if you want"

doctor told her and y/n fealt a little happy to know about the condition of the baby.

doctor suggested her some things and after listening to all the details she went out of the cabin after thanking the doctor

outside the cabin she saw some other pregnant womens with their husband making her think about taehyung.

she saw how the husbands were you taking care of there Wifes. she suddenly thought how it would feel of being a lovie dovie couple with taehyung. in her last pregnancy also she was not able to enjoy being pampered by her husband.

no matter whatever he did with her she still can't forget him. they both were bestfriends from childhood. she was her first love and still he is. she new even if they both get divorce in future she will not be able to love other man.

if her love for him was this week she would have already fallen for someone else and maybe would have move on years ago.

their is still a little hope where she feel to live her life with Taehyung. she carves for a happy family with him.

she shook her head moved to the ward were Taehyung was.


"jimin I made a decision"

Taehyung said looking at jimin

"now what?"

"I will resign from my CEO post"

he said making jimin eyes pop out of his socket.

"what the hell are you saying?"

jimin stood up and kept his hand on Taehyung forehead to check his temperature.

"you don't have fever"

he carresd his chin thinking

"did you consume alcohol? are you drunk? but from where? wait does that saline contains medicine or some other poison which is effecting you brain"


Taehyung shouted his name Making him jolt in his place. he look at taehyung

"con you please listen to me"

jimin sat in his place and told him to continue.

"I want to resign from my CEO post"

"I heard that can you please continue after that"

jimin side irritated.

"yes, can you stop cutting my words and let me continue"

jimin nooded his head

"I thought a lot these days and realised that because of that this Kim's empire it all started. specially Namjoon hyung revenge. if not for this all property and CEO post this all things would have naver started. maybe today I would have lead a better life all this years with y/n"

"I realized that now I'm in this condition because of post. I can't blame Namjoon hyung alone I to did a very big mistake even I'm the main culprit of y/n"

he looked at jimin with hopefully

"jimin I love her"

jimin look at him in disbelieve.

"I know it is very late. but now I don't know what to do. the only thing right now in my mind is to resign from that post. I don't deserve it jimin"

"don't behave like a mad man taehyung"

jimin tried to make him understand while controlling his anger.

taehyung shook his head.

"no, I will resign. because whatever I did in front of that this is still a small punishment so I will do whatever will want she wants. I will accept whatever punishment she will give me even if she wants me to die I will"

"I really wish she will tell you to die but I know she will not. like hell she will tell KIM TAEHYUNG to die"

jimin was frustrated

"but what if she will ask you for divorce instead as your so called 'punishment'"

taehyung stiffened

"I will give her divorce"

jimin could tell taehyung is sincere with his gaze and he sight upon realisation.


Their both eyes widen hearing a angry roar and looked towards door.


y/n was standing in front of the room where taehyung was admitted.

she kept her hand on the handle and was going to open the door when she heard taehyung saying.

"I will give her divorce"

her eyes suddenly got teary when she heard him say this. she suddenly felt so sad and that got angry when she realised something.

she barged in the room and shouted


"you said you will give me divorce"

she looked at him with angry eyes which were teary.

jimin stood up and tried to talk to y/n

"listen mama bear"

but she just slap him making him shut his mouth.

"who are you calling mama. first look at yourself you short man"

jimin kept his hand on his cheek which just got slapped by her and back away.

y/n again looked at taehyung and went neat him.

"so after realising truth you still just wanna get rid of me"

she held his coller

"do you even for once loved me kim taehyung"

tears started to flow from her eyes. she fealt like a looser.

it's true that she was the one to propose the divorce but it still hurts her that taehyung easily got ready with the idea.

she left his coller

"I can't believe that some moment ago I was still wishing for good life with you. I was wishing for both of us living with our kids like a happy family"

taehyung looked at her with a dim gaze.

"all this year I tried to be the best wife, I wished to be loved by you, is it so hard for this much how you are still blinded by her love that even after knowing the truth you didn't even though about me just for once"

taehyung shook his head in denial

"I know I was the one who asked for the divorce but I thought that after knowing the truth that you will finally look at me, you will finally realise my love for you, I thought you will try to make our marriage work, you will think about us our kids but instead you just give up on me"

she sadly chuckles

"is it so hard to love me taehyung? do you really can't forget sana? do you realize how I'm feeling right now"

taehyung also had tears in his eyes.

"I feel like a looser. today I finally realised that I lost and no matter how much I try you will never look at me. you will never love me. you will choose to divorce me because of guilt but will never beg me stay with you right?"

"y/n listen please you are misun-"

taehyung tried to speek but got inturpted by her.

"you are a coward taehyung. today I finally give up on you. thank you for making me realise how much fool I was to wasting my all this year's on you. today I finally came out of the fantasy, from today I will never hope for our better future together. I will never think of those stupid things"

saying this she went away while taehyung looked down. he also had tears in his eyes.


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