Chapter 15

y/n bend a little and said to taesoo

"baby can you go inside and play with your toys I have some important work to do"

taesoo nooded his head but went inside his room. y/n turned her head and looked at Mr jeon and jungkook and look at them both coldly saying

"what brings you here Mr jeon?"

Mr Kim hesitated and said

"y/n child I brought them both here"

"cherry" jungkook was saying something but y/n cut him off showing her hand.

"don't you dare call me that" she said with red eyes. cherry was the name given by her dad and both her dad and jungkook used to call her with that name.

"just tell me why you both are here I am sure dad will never bring you both here on his own will you both must have forced him"

"y/n how are you?" her dad said

"don't worry I'm still alive but you must be very sad as your precious daughter is now in prison" she said or taunted him about sana

just like namjoon sana is also in jail. Mr jeon and jungkook look down in shame.

"I just don't understand why you both are here? where were you both all this years when I needed you the most?

she asked tears streaming down her face

"y/n we are sorry. we wanted to come to you sooner but we were just embarrassed" jungkook said

he was not lying when taehyung told them both about what happened when he came to dinner with y/n they at that only wanted to talk to y/n but didn't had courage..

"oo please don't give me your excuses. this is what you are giving me all this years"

"y/n please forgive your dad" Mr jeon said joining his hands

"did you forgive me? even though I didn't did anything but still asked for your forgiveness for the sin I didn't even do. DID YOU FORGIVE ME? " she raised her voice Mr jeon look down in shame while jungkook went to her tried to touch her but she backed away.

"don't touch me, as long as I remember you were even disgusted to see my face so why are you touching a disgusting person like me?"

jungkook eyes were also wet from tears he shook his head in denial

"no no I was never and I can never be, please y/n today I finally had a courage to face you to tell you how much I regret my action please don't push me away"

"I also begged you all to listen to me but did you? no you didn't than why should I?"

jungkook looked down because he knew that she tried many times to talk to him but he never gave her chance

"you know what hurted me the most? that you both who I called my dad and brother never tried to understand me. u can understand about others but you both, how can you do this to me"

they both look down in shame with tears streaming down their eyes.

"you both promised me to suppore me in each and every thing, you promised to protect me that where were you both?"

"was sana more important to you both than me?"

Mr jeon shook his head

"it's not like that you both are my daughters you know y/n I never compared both of you, you are my precious daughter, you are important for me just like your mom"

"please don't say things like this Mr jeon. if sana and me were important for you than you should have given me chance, you should have also heard me once just like how you listen to you should have also listen to just once.

"I am so sorry y/n. I don't know what happened to me at that time but was just trying to take care for her, I just wanted her not to feel alone, I wanted to support her because I thought she didn't had her father with her. I just wanted to act like her father"

"if you were sorry and ashamed of what your daughter did to her and if you had sympathy that she didn't had her father that what about me? I too didn't had my mother with me? I was also alone all this years"

she was never alone. she had whole world supporting her while I was the one who was alone all this years. you never tried to contact me. even when I was giving birth to taesoo I was alone, you never for even once came to visit me"

her breathing became heavy and she put her hand on her tummy. Mrs jeon came to support her.

"do you know how much I wanted to kill myself?"

there eyes became wide hearing this. they knew they did wrong but they never their behavior will bring her in situation where she wants to kill herself.

"for once, just for once you had said that I believe you even if no one is there I will support you' but you never did"

jungkook noticed she had breathing problems and he hugged her trying to call her.

his tears were flowing while he was Carresing her hairs while she tried to get out of his arms but he hugged her tightly. he already did many things wrong with her. at least for now he didn't wanted to leave her even if she never forgive him.

when y/n calm down she break the hug and distanced herself from him. she looked at them both.

"I can never forgive you nor can I forget what you did. so please for now just leave from here and never came back again. live your life just like you lived all this years without me. you already said that you didn't know anyone named jeon y/n. so, now am also saying that i don't have any brother or father, no I actually have a father"

she said looking at Mr Kim that looked at Mrs jeon

"and I also have a mother. so you both are no one to me but just strangers"

Mr jeon tried to say something but Mr Kim stopped him. he signalled both of them to go for now as y/n was not in a good condition and it is not right for her to take and kind of stress in this situation.

Mr jeon and jungkook move out from there as they didn't wanted to hurt hear more with there presence. they regret it badly and wanted to solve it but they knew now is not the right time.

when they both went y/n again broke down and cried whilemrs jeon hugged her.

"how can they both just came out of nowhere and say sorry to me? and why now when I don't need them they came to ruin my happiness"

she said while crying.

"it's not like that dear. they both really regret there action. they just wanted you to forgive them. I am saying you should forgive just take your own time till you want and even if you don't want them both in your life I will always support you. now, I just want your happiness

said Mrs jeon consoling her.

y/n hugged her tightly and after sometime she feel small hands wrapping around her waist. she look down and saw taesoo. she wiped her tears.

"baby what happened" sh said hugging him

"why are you crying mumma?"

"nothing I felt a little pain in my stomach" he touched her tummy and said

"little sister don't hurt mumma. she already is in pain so you should not hurt her. if you again hurt her I will get angry and not talk to you. I will also not share my toys and chocolate with you when you will come out of her tummy, understand? so you should not hurt her"

then he look at y/n

"mom is it still hurting?"

she shook her head. taesoo looked proud and said

"now don't worry she will not hurt you. if she ever give you hard time than you should look for me. I will give her good lesson"

y/n smiled and hugged him tightly.


Jimin came inside the room just to see taehyung looking at ceiling blankly. he came near him and said

"how are you taehyung?"

but taehyung didn't said anything.

"Taehyung don't be like this. I know you are sad and you regret it but for now please take care of yourself. if you want y/n to forgive you, you should at least have the ability to face her. if you will not cooperate with doctor and not improve your health that how you will have the ability to face her."

jimin again sigh when he didn't get any response from taehyung when he was about to go taehyung finally said something

"how is she?"

"she is fine. she is living in your dad's penthouse and now you don't have to worry he already increased the security there and he daily visits her and mrs jeon is staying with her to take care of her so you don't have to worry"

jimin said what he got to know

"is she happy?" happy taehyung asked.

"yes, don't worry she is happy. she now has taesoo with her. at least for now she is happy"

taehyung looked at him and said

"what about hyung and sana? "

"they both are in prison thought they didn't get sentenced for lifetime because mr Kim still had a little soft spot for Namjoon hyung but still they will be there for 20 years so for now we don't have to worry about someone safety as you can rest assured. and I know when he will come back he will not have and power to do anything and maybe he will regret everything badly

taehyung nodded his head and said

"jimin I made a decision"


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