Chapter 11

y/n was caressing taesoo head as she just told him his bedtime story and he went to his dream. today was the best day of her life, today she spend her whole day with taesoo. today the mother and son duo enjoyeda lot. taesoo was finally able to live with his mom without any fear of his grandma and aunt.

y/n kissed his forehead and got up from the bed. she slowly closed the door and went out of taesoo room to go to her room for a good night sleep.

currently she was living in Mr Kim's penthouse. though she didn't wanted to live here but forced her to live here till she gave birth to her baby. he even put the condition that he will help her only if she agreed to live here. so she agreed because she didn't wanted to live with taehyung.

Mr Kim told her that nobody knows about his this place so she didn't have to worry about taehyung finding her out. she believes Mr Kim more that her own dad.

as she is pregnant Mr Kim didn't allowed her to work anywhere. he said he Will take care of her expenses and she didn't have to worry about anything. he even appointed maids and bodyguard of her safety.

she felt a little wrong but she can't do anything as she don't have any work experience and no company will appoint her as she is also pregnant. now she is not alone she have two kids to take care of. so for now she can only rest and she will think of her work after delivery as she cannot depend on Mr for lifetime.

now she is sure about her decision of divorcing taehyung and moving on with her kids. she will live here till delivery and than find a job. after she will have a stable job and enough money than only can she give her childrens a comfortable live. now she only wanted to live for herself and her kids.

After 3 Months

Taehyung was doing some paperwork in his office but he was not able to concentrate on his work as y/n was the only thing in his mind. it's been 3 months and he was still not able to find her.

he has gone mad after that night. he is searching for her like a madman but still was not able to find her. he tried to work but a y/n and taesoo are the only thing which is roaming around in his mind.

he even begged his father on his knees while crying but still Mr Kim didn't tell him anything. nowadays he is not even going back to his home. he is either working in his office or searching for y/n. he is not even taking care of himself.

he started to have Insomnia. he his having sleeping problem. he is not able to even though he started to take medicines. he even lost his weight. he looks so tired. weight loss, dark circles, messy hairs he is living his life like a robot.

he really is missing his wife and child. he wanted to see them hug them. all are very worried about taehyung health as now he even started to have hallucinations. some said when he is alone he starts to talk to himself or more like y/n which he is seeing through his hallucinations.

but he didn't totally lost his mind he is still sane at least he know that the y/n in front of him is just a fake image which his mind is making it not real. but still he always begs for forgiveness to that fake image.

the door opened and jimin came inside just to see his buddy trying to concentrate on some paper but his face tell all that he is not even understanding a thing. he cleared his throat to get his attention.

taehyung look up just to see jimin and suddenly feal the saviour of his life came to save him.

"jimin did you find anything or get any clue about her" but all his hopes break when he saw him shaking his head in denial

"then why are you here just get lost" he said coldly

"wow chill bro what's with that attitude even though I didn't find anything about your wife I have some great news"

"just tell me jimin don't waste my time I have so many work to do"

"I found a genius who can get back that deleted clip from 8 years ago. first I had some doubts but still I trusted him and guess what today he called me to tell that he got that clip."

taehyung stood up from his position.

"really are you sure that he got that clip because as long as I remember the video recording of that night was deleted from that club"

yes bro even though that clip was deleted but this boy I know is very genius. he can do anything this was just a small piece of cake for him."

"so when can we see that recording" taehyung started to arrange his this like he ready to live office anytime as soon as jimin will say him. he really is excited like he got his hand on lots of gold

"now, we have to go now that's why I came here to pick you up as that boy doesn't leave his seat and is always in front of his computer and told us go after him if we want to watch that recording as he said he will not send me the recording so we will have to go to him."

taehyung nooded his head and took his coat than they both went out of the office.


Me Kim was reading some documents when he heard the knock on the door. he allowed the person the come in and saw Namjoon coming inside.

"how are you uncle? did I disturbed you in you work" he asked

Mr Kim shake his head and said while putting his glasses down " no son what happen how do you remember your this pitiful uncle"

Namjoon just laughed and said "I'm sorry uncle I was very busy and was not able to give you time I know I'm very bad son"

Mr kim shake his head and said "no you can never be a bad son I'm proud of you so much if Hyung and noona were alive they both must be very proud of you"

Namjoon just smiled but didn't said anything and after that they both started to talk about the branch of US which Namjoon was incharge.

"uncle if you don't mind can I ask you something"

"yes" Namjoon looked at him and said " uncle where is y/n?"

"sorry Namjoon I can't"

even before Mr kim can say anything Namjoon said

"don't worry I'm not asking about her for taehyung I just wanted to meet her actually I didn't meet her after I came back and I was also missing taesoo. and now that she is pregnant I wanted to meet her even more as I was not there during her first Prgananc

mr thought for a moment and asked "you promise me to not tell taehyung about her location otherwise she will not even allow me and even kick me out of my own house her mood swings are really not easy to handle" Namjoon just nooded his head.

y/n was currently in a coffee shop with eunwoo. they both met when y/n was shopping some grocery. at first she didn't recognized him but after some time she remembered.

"I'm very sad y/n you didn't remember me" he said while pouting

"I'm sorry eunwoo but what can i do you changed a lot that I didn't recognized you"

"what do you mean I changed" he said while keeping his hands on her hand while Smrinking

she took her hand back and said

"it means now you become more handsome and you way of flirting also advances"

eunwoo just laughed but his laughter died down when he saw someone out side from the window. he crashed his eyebrow in confusion and stared to think something in his mind while tapping his fingers on the table.

when realisation hit him his eyes larged but control himself when he saw y/n was looking at him with confusing eyes. he just laughed and said

"I suddenly remember something y/n sorry but now I have to go"

y/n just nooded her head but didn't said anything

after talking with eunwoo y/n was going back to her home. the grocery store was in walking distance so she didn't think of taking a cab. she was not even in a hurry as taesoo was in his school.

suddenly she feal that someone was following her but she just shrugged it off thinking it must be one of the bodyguard Mr Kim appointed for her safety.

when she entered the building she felt some strange feeling like something bad is going to happen. she entered the lift which directly took her to her penthouse. when the lift door opened she found her maid and some guards lying on the floor.

she went towards one of her main and tried to wake her up "aunt Lee wake up what happen to you please wake up" she started to cry but the maid didn't wake up. she looked here and there but didn't find anyone. she went to her room but just as she opened her door someone from her put the cloth on her face and feel unconscious.


Y/n opened her eyes and look here as she found herself tied to the chair. she didn't know why the hell someone would kidnap her. she's didn't make any enemy. or maybe someone must be playing a prank on her.

just as she was looking for someone the door in front of her opend and she herd the footsteps. when y/n looked at the person face her eyes widen and she shouted.



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