Chapter 10

Taehyung and eunwoo both shook their hands while there was a smile on their face.

"I look forward to work with you Mr. kim"

"drop the formality eun woo are you seriously gonna behave like you don't know me" said taehyung

eunwoo just laughed loudly and shook his head

"I was just trying to act cool"

jungkook just came from behind and put his hand on shoulder

"so how are you Mr. cha you seriously broke all the contact with us"

then he playfully punched him on his stomach and asked

"didn't you miss me"

eunwoo just smiled nervously and said

"it's not like that it's just the situation that time was not right and dad needed me there. I wanted to stay here but can't btw how are you both and tae how is y/n"

both jungkook and taehyung just look nervous but didn't said anything

"what why are you both looking like this is everything alright"


Taehyung eunwoo and jungkook decided to go to club to make there mood clam after what they both confessed to eunwoo.

eunwoo also used to study with them when they were in college. he knows each and everything that happen that night at that club between taehyung and y/n. when y/n was pregnant and was going to marry taehyung he went away from Korea saying his father was not well he needed to go back to Handle the company matters.

"so what's next are you going to do Kim" he asked sipping his wine

"I just want to know why sana did that with me and y/n"

"do you think there is someone behind her"

frowning jungkook asked him as he didn't get his point

"just say clearly what you want to say eunwoo"

"do you think someone is helping her behind her back doing all this things"

taehyung nooded his head

"yes but I didn't find anything suspicious when I did background check on her" eunwoo just raised his one eyebrow but didn't said anything

"just do whatever you to do but do it quickly because I really don't wanna see her face. now she is even trying to get in the company."

eunwoo frowned but didn't said anything

"I need you use washroom" saying this eunwoo left from there.

one of the room in club

sana was using her phone when the door opened and a man got inside. she stood up and hugged the man

"finally you came I was waiting for you for so long"

the man broke the hug and took her near the couch. they both sat down but sana was still clinging to him.

"for how long we have to meet like this secretly can't we just tell everyone about us"

"no babe even though now taehyung don't feel anything for you we can't just back out we have came so for just to give up this easily. no don't worry we still have plan B you know babe how long I am been working on this I can't just back out"

sana pouted but didn't said anything

"just for some more time when everything is all right I promise to tell everyone about you and marry you. just wait a little more.

he carresed her face lovingly

sana smilled brightly and hide her face in his chest and the man hugged her more tightly

"so tell me ever think that happen when I was away"

At Kim Mansion

Taehyung came back and went inside his room but as usual he didn't find y/n so he went to her room just to get her but even her room was empty he went near washroom and knocked on the door but didn't get any reply so he opened the door just to see it empty.

he got panicked and started to shout her name. he opened her closet just to see it empty. suddenly he herd the voice.

"are you looking for y/n?"

he turn his head just to find his dad standing on the door and looking at him

"dad do you know where is she? I can't find her even her clothes and other things are missing"

taehyung was really panicked and he was on the verge of crying

"she for the first time asked me something so I gave her" said Mr kim

"what do you mean dad?"

"she asked me help her leave this place so I just help her"

"what do you mean"

"taehyung she doesn't love you now she wants divorce so just let her free"

"dad I know I did very wrong with her but please she is not safe. dad you don't know that sana"

"I know everything jimin told me each and everything. now I know how much of dumb child you were" he said with his greeted teeth he really think that he gave birth to a dumb child

"so dad why did you let her go she is not safe we still don't know who is helping sana and what if she did anything to y/n"

he really was on the verge of crying he doesn't know but just thinking about living a life without just the thought of it suffocating him. he feel like someone is squishing his heart and it was very painful.

but why was he feeling like that? it's not like he loved her. he hated her all this year's. even though it was a misunderstanding he hated her thinking she ruined his life. and even though when he got to know truth he hated sana for using him and himself for being dumb. about y/n regret is the word he fealt for her. that is the only thing he fealt that time or he thought so.

he watched as his dad went downstairs he followed him. hearing the voice his mom and sister also came out just to see what happened.

"dad I'm asking you something"

his dad turn around and faced him.

"don't worry taehyung I am better than you and I know how to take care of someone. she is in a safe place and I even arranged bodyguards for her safety. someone is also with her taking care of her."

taehyung watched his dad saying this things now he doesn't know what he should say so his look towards his mom and sister asking for there help but he noticed they both were quite and his mom eyes we're little red.

don't look towards them they both can't help you and one more thing I send taesoo with her."

taehyung eyes enlarged. now he understood why his mom and jennie were quite and his mom's eye's were red. taesoo is very precious to her she loves him a lot.

"but why dad he is my son an-"

mr Kim cut him off

"shut up taehyung if taesoo is your son don't forget he is also son of y/n. and as long as I remember along with y/n you even blamed him you hated him even before y/n gave birth to him. and you all when y/n gave birth to him you all just stole away him from his mother. you even tried to manipulate him even though he had his mother with him you tried to make him call some other as his mother."

he said while looking at Mrs. Kim and jennie

"didn't you both feel ashamed doing this things. you know how much he carved for his mother even though he know his mother but he didn't had any guts to go towards her. he used to tell me how much he wishes to live with y/n.he also wanted to have a normal happy family like his other friends."

than he look towards taehyung

"and it's not like I forced him he himself said that he wanted to with his mom"

taehyung didn't know what to say. yes it true that even before taesoo came to this world he hated him. but when y/n gave birth to him he couldn't help but started to love him. when he for the first time took him in his arms he fealt some connection at that time he knew that now he became father and he needed to let go of his hatred.

all this years he took care of taesoo even though he hated y/n and ignored her but he couldn't ignore his own son. taesoo was also the reason he never gave divorce to y/n. he even though to give a second chance to his marriage at that time. he never thought of going back to sana. that's why when he got to know that sana is coming back he didn't feel anything because he knew that now he has a family to take care of and sana is just his past nothing else.

"dad please tell me where are they both"

taehyung now for sure know not it is difficult to find them both because this time his dad helped y/n to hide. his dad still have a lot of power and connection so it will be difficult for him to find her. so he can only beg his dad

"no taehyung sorry but I can't I promised her"

this Mr Kim voice also became soft seeing his son condition but he can't do anything he promised y/n and he will help her with all he has.

"dad please she is not safe sa-"

"do you have doubt in my power don't worry for her being safe it had nothing to do of her living with you"

taehyung became quite. that right y/n will be more safe if his dad will take care of her that him. he don't know why he is making this excuses but his dad's next sentence stop his mind working for a movement.

"taehyung, do you love her?"


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