Chapter 7

y/n mind went blank when she heard what taehyung said. she can't believe what taehyung said. she fealt like taehyung must be jocking. how can he even know this when she didn't tell him about her pregnancy? she must have heard something wrong.

"what did you said?" she said little calmly as wanted to confirm it.

"I said if you want to leave me you can but not before giving me my baby back" he said.

"I don't know what you are saying I think-"he cut her off saying

"don't lie to me doctor lee already informed me about your pregnancy " he said.

this fact about her being pregnant he already knew it from one month. he still remember when dr. lee told him about y/n being pregnant he was on cloud nine and he even went back home early to see y/n. he wanted to hear it from her mouth but she didn't told him.

he even went to her room at midnight when he conform that all family members and y/n was sleeping. he slept while hugging her and keeping his hand on her tummy. this became his routine. he Evey night went to her room and sleep while hugging her and next morning he leaves her room before she wakes up.

he was also waiting for her to inform her pregnancy but she never told him. he wonder what the reason was. now he understood she was already planning to leave him and that is why she didn't infom him.

"what now why are you not saying anything?"

'shoot how can I forget that Dr. Lee is close family friend with Kim's, I should have inform him to not tell taehyung' though y/n.

"so what Kim taehyung even if I am pregnant I don't want to live with you"

"i already told you y/n that i will not leave you until you give birth to my baby" taehyung knew what he is doing is wrong he didn't want to force her but he has to make sure that she is safe. once she is safe he will let her go.

y/n pushed him hard. anger was visible in her eyes.

"don't you feel ashmed taehyung after taking taesoo away from me you still want to take my this baby. listen Kim taehyung I tolrated you all this year's because I truly loved you and feel guilty for what happened because of me even if it was not my mistake but now I don't love and now that sana is already you should just go back to her and divorce me. and about the baby I am enough to take care of him so just forgot the thought of taking my child away from me."

taehyung laughed loudly while looking at her.

"you are enough to take care of my child?" he asked a little surprised" what a jock y/n as long as I remember you didn't even had a job and you are still living with liza. she is wasting her money on you."

y/n look down in embarrassment. it's true that she still didn't had any job and liza is taking care of her. she didn't wanted to live like that but she didn't had any choice.

"look y/n just stay here during your pregnancy and take care of your self. i hope you don't want to live off liza and embarrass yourself more.

taehyung knew he is being harsh on her but he already is villian in her eyes. this is the only way he can force her to live with him. because if he shows her his soft side she will get suspicious and will only feel uncomfortable. he swear onec everything is right he will tell her truth and not force her to live with him. he will respect her decision and will let her go if she wants to. he knew that now he already lost all his rights on her.

just thinking about y/n leaving him with their child made taehyung uncomfortable.

"just think about what I said at least don't give liza hard time and stay here during your pregnancy. i will appoint someone to take care you so for now just take rest and don't stress yourself."

taehyung said this soflty and went away from there.

y/n thought for sometime and though of living there. she really can't always depend on liza but she also didn't want to live with taehyung, taehyung will now not let her go as he know she is pregnant. she have to think of some other way.

that she thought of informing liza as she must be waiting for her.

liza told her that she will pick her and now she must be waiting her. she thought of informing her about her situation and also tell her that she may not able go back.

what if liza able to help her run away. currently she only have one thought and that is to divorce taehyung and run away from Korea.

now she only wants a peaceful life with her baby away from all these people. specially from taehyung and all the family members. family? she can't even call them her family. they are just some people she knew.

thinking this she thought to call liza.


Taehyung was checking his files while his secretary was telling him about his schedule. after keeping his files on table he told his secretary to leave the office. taehyung again started to read his files just that the door opened reveling jimin.

"here take this files" he said and keep the file on the table in front of him and sat on the chair.

taehyung took the file and went through it.

"it contains all the details of her from when she left korean till she return back. looking at it I still can't believe she is sana. when you were crying for her she was enjoying her life over there. looking at it feel like she even dated so many mans. she moved on very quickly. bro are you sure she loved you. " said jimin

taehyung shaked his head and looked at his best friend.

"currently it is not important if she loved me or not-" taehyung was saying something but jimin cut him off

"and why do think it is not important. just because you were living in fantasies that sana loved you, you ignored y/n all these years. do you even had idea what you did taehyung" jimin rased his voice

"jimin I thought sana was the one who wrote me letters that's why I dated her" he said without looking at him

"what do you mean and what letters" jimin was very annoyed

that taehyung told him each and everything about why he dated sana. taehyung waited to see his reaction but jimin just laughed laudly making him confuse

"why the hell you are laughing jimin you find this funny" said taehyung

"you are asking why I'm laughing" he asked in disbelief

"so you dated sana just because you thought she used to write you letters. taehyung you really didn't had any idea that it was y/n? you really didn't know y/n used to love you?"

"jimin just come to the point"

"so listen apart from you each and everyone knew that y/n had crush on you and she used to write you letters"

"you knew y/n-"

"yes not only me but each and everyone knew this that's why we use to tease you in front of y/n because y/n didn't had any idea that we knew, this was also the reason we were angry on when you introduced sana as your girlfriend. taehyung for once if you told us about that letter thing, things would have not gone this far. ""and really even for once you didn't had any doubt in sana? that bi**h is really so good at acting innocent. " jimin was so frustrated.

jimin took his hand from her s hairs which made him look more sexy

taehyung also thought for once if he shared things about those letters this than maybe things must have changed. he looked at jimin and said

"look jimin I can understand I myself am feeling like fool right now but can you please keep the past aside and-"

"no why will I keep it aside I will always remind you of what kind of fool you were, i will always remind you what you did with y/n and -"

for once can you stop cutting my sentence and let me complete."


Taehyung closed his eyes in frustation and again opened it after he clamed down

"ok you can remind me of anything and everything you want so that that I die out of regret but before that I want your help.

"I will not help you" jimin said and looked away he stood up and was ready to go but taehyung called him

"at least for y/n please jimin " he said softly

jimin stopped and turned to look at taehyung

"what do you mean?"

"I want to know what happened that night and how y/n wasat that room? y/n was telling that someone made he unconscious and kept her in that room but I ignored it. and as you can see sana is living her best life with some other guy that why the hell she came back to Korea? I want to know it. " said taehyung

"do you think sana is behind something? or are you doubting that she did something that night to y/n"

"yes, I think it was all done by sana and I am 100% sure that she also has some other purpose of coming back"

"you said she wanted to work in company but jungkook didn't allow her. "said jimin

"this is just her excuse I want to know real reason" said taehyung

"so you are saying even after doing all this thing that bi**h is still after y/n"

after thinking sometimes taehyung slowly nooded his head.

"jimin we really don't know anything about her details. I want to know all the things specially that boy with whom she was in each and every photos. we don't have any information about that boy. this information only show how much she enjoyed in night pubs we still didn't know for whome she was working her information is well hidden" he said pointing at the file

"so please just help in this I sure she is after y/n, there must be some big purpuse of her coming back. help me find more about her and also what happened to y/n that night. I really want to know each and everything.

jimin looked at taehyung and said "you know what fu*k you"

saying this he went towards his chair and punched him in his face. but he didn't stopp there and again started to punch him till his anger calmed. taehyung also didn't stopped him.

when the atmosphere cooled down and the both were once again seating in front of each other with horrible look specially taehyung. taehyung once again asked

"so will you help me?" he asked with some hope

"this is the last time I'll help you after this forgot that I'm you best friend" he fixed his clothes and went away from there

taehyung looked at him with sad smile and said " looks like slowly all will leave me alone just like they left you y/n"


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