Chapter 6

y/n saw sana and taehyung coming back together. she saw taehyung after two weeks. it's been two weeks y/n left him with divorce papers. after that taehyung never called her not even for divorce procedure. and looks like today is the perfect day to discuss this matter when everyone is present specially sana.

discussing everything in front of her will help in both of there relationship

watching taehyung and sana coming together Mrs. jeon eyes widen and she asked a little panicked.

"why ar you both coming together?"

before sana could speak taehyung said

"we didn't came together we just happened to meet each other outside the house."

Mrs. jeon sigh in relif and asked again

"but what are you doing here taehyung?"

'u dare to say you came here to meet sana when y/n is you wife and I'll chop your head right here' thought Mrs. jeon

"nothing I just got to know that my wife is here so i came here to pick her." he said looking straight in y/n eyes

y/n suddenly feal her heart beating fast.

'what happen to him? why is he looking for me?' she thought

Mrs. jeon feal happy and she smiled while showing her teeths.

'taehyung came looking for y/n. looks like there realtion is finally improving' she thought and said

"you came in perfect time now we were going to have our dinner go and sit near y/n."

taehyung nodded his head and started walking towards y/n while looking at her.

today after two weeks he finally saw her.

in these two weeks he always used to follow her wherever she went. he didn't have to think because he already know that y/n has only one support and that is liza. he is very thankful to her that she always supported y/n.

after taking his seat he was still looking at her so she raised her eyebrows asking him about what's the matter

he just shakes his head with a small smile and looked ahead.

y/n was surprised to see taehyung smiling while looking at her. in these seven years he never smiled at her like before. he always used to give her cold look. she only saw smiling and laughing his heart out while playing with taesoo and she used to adime them both secretly.

'maybe he is acting like a perfect husband in front of my parents' she thought and looked ahead.

'or maybe he is just using me make sana jealous' she thought looking at sana who was looking at them both with jealously or maybe looking at them with her burning gaze.

maid served them all food and they all started to eat silently.

btw y/n you didn't tell me what you are doing Nowadays and your son taesoo he must be six years old right. how's your realation with him?"

sana asked Delebratly because before coming back she already got information from someone about y/n life. she also know that y/n is just a housewife and gave up on her dreams. she also know that y/n didn't had any good relation with taehyung and his family, taesoo also didn't talk to her.

"you see there in US I complted my studies and even got hired by the best company. now I am capable of everything and I even got promotion but you see I can't always live there when my everything is here. so I thought to came back and help appa and oppa in company.

sana knew one thing for sure that y/n also wanted to work with her dad and brother. she wanted to be director of the companycompany while her dad was CEO and brother was president.

not only y/n but Mr. jeon and jungkook also thought same for y/n. and now that y/n can't do anything sana also wanted to take her position in company.

"sana we already talked about the company matters hope you will not bring that again" said jungkook

that's the problern that Mr. jeon and jungkook are still not ready to give her that position. sana really wanted to snatch all dreams of y/n.

"but oppa you know in US-" even before she could speak taehyung cut her off

"you should not speak while eating what if you chock yourself to death sana" he said with a smile which didn't reach his eyes. he hold y/n hand under the table which was resting on her lap. he gave it a light squich. at least this is the only thing he can do for her.

he can clearly see what sana is trying to do. she was clearly embarrassing y/n in front of everyone. after ruining her life how can she live happily. she is clearly trying to take y/n place. now he is thinking if sana is in love with him or y/n. now he thinks that sana is more obsessed with y/n that him. if not why is she trying to be y/n.

In these two weeks taehyung didn't had any courage to meet y/n even when he know where y/n was.

but he wanted to clear each and everything between them. he wanted to make everything right atleast for y/n so that she can at least have a better future.

he knew one thing for sure that sana is the biggest obstacle in y/n life. he wanted to throw sana out of y/n life. he investigated about sana and knew it not safe for y/n to live alone because she really is dangerous for y/n.

even if liza is there but she can't always protect y/n form sana. so when he got to know that y/n came here he hurriedly came here to take her back with him.

after looking at sana background he fealt like he was looking at someone else background. did he really fealt for that girl he can't believe it. she was totally opposite of what she is showing to everyone.

he can't believe he she fooled all of them without any guilt.

he really wanted to bang his head somewhere of being fool.

he knew here when he will took her back she will not creat any drama in fornt of her family. and will obey him.

taehyung fealt y/n taking her hand back and he looked down at his empty hand.

he can feel y/n slowly going out of his life. but he can't do anything he deserves it.

y/n took her hand back and again started to eat her food, at least she didn't wanted his sympathy.

after that all started to eat there food without saying anything.

sana also keep quite because she knew she will only embarrass herself if she will open her mouth.

after dinner taehyung went with Mr. jeon and jungkook to there house office room saying he wanted to discuss something with them.

Mrs. jeon took y/n with her to living room saying she wanted ask and tell so many things to her.

sana knew that seating with them will be boring so she went back to her room rolling her eyes after seeing how happy Mrs. jeon was with y/n. she smiling widely and even laughing.

while when she came back she only gave small smile. she really think if this women is her real mother or not.

'I really need to do a DNA test on her she thought while going to back to her room as she was not interested in there talks.

Mrs. jeon and y/n were talking when Mrs. jeon finally asked the question which she desperately wanted to know

"now how is your relation with taehyung?"

this question make y/n froze in her place. she looked at her and thought to tell her truth. she thought of telling her about now they they both are Divorcing.

but before she could speak taehyung came down with Mr. jeon and jungkook.

y/n let's go back now" he said looking at her y/n raised her eyebrows thinking about his actions but she nooded her head.

"why don't you both stay here tonight?" asked Mrs. jeon" y/n finally came back after so many years so just stay here tonight."

"mom we can't stay here we really have to go back" he said signaling towars sana who was coming down.

taehyung and Mrs. jeon were talking in code language and there topic was sana.

mrs. jeon nooded her towars taehyung a little and said.

"yes you both should go back taesoo must be missing you both."

y/n nooded her head and and stood up. she huged Mrs. jeon and smiled towars Mr. jeon and jungkook and went out with taehyung.

taehyung opend the car door for y/n and she went in without saying anything.

taehyung went to driver seat and took his place and started the car.

when they went little away from jeon mansion y/n said"can you park the car near that bus stop I will call liza to pick me up."

but taehyung didn't stop the car and was driving while ignoring her words.

"taehyung I said stop the car"

"taesoo is not well come back home with me" she finally understood the purpose of his coming but she just nodded her. no matter what he is still her son whome she gave birth she can never ignore him.


after getting out of car y/n started to go towars taesoo's room but before that taehyung started to drag her with him.

"what are you doing let me go and check taesoo" she said

taehyung took her in his room and said

"he is fine I lied because I wanted to take you back with me"

she looked around his room this is the first time he took her in his room. he never allowed her in his room. she started to feel strange and tried running from there but he pinned her near the door.

"you can't run away from me y/n"

she tried to free herself and said

"just let me go taehyung. I already gave you divorce papers and now sana also came back so-"

taehyung had enough and he banged his hand beside her head and said something after which y/n face became pale and she felt her legs getting weak.

"if you want to leave me that you can but not before you give me my baby which is in your womb"


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