Chapter 5

y/n was getting ready to go meet her parents. she was little nervous to meet them. but she can't them when he sent her message. she is happy that finally she is meeting after so many years. when she was getting ready she suddenly heard.

"y/n please don't go back I am not getting good feeling. I feel like something bad is going to happen."

"no liza after so many years I am able to meet them I can't miss this opportunity. don't know if in future I will get this chance or not.'

"should I also come with you" she asked concern

"no, don't worry I can handle it. " she smiled softly.

"ok so get ready I will drop you there. " saying this she went out.

At Jean's Mansion

After liza parked the car she looked towars y/n "tell me if something happens or they say anything to you. I will immediately came to pick you up.

y/n nooded her head and smiled. she already heard this from liza 100th of time on there way, she opend the door and went out. she looked at the familiar home in front of her where she spend her childhood. she really missed her home. she was the princess of the house. this house held so many happy memories of her. after thinking for a while she decided to go inside.

y/n came inside and saw her dad and mom Mr. and mrs. Jeon were sitting on the couch and talking to each other. she saw her dad and she suddenly felt like to run towards him and hug him tightly like she used to do in past. that she saw her mom. she was not her real mother. y/n real mother died due to cancer when she was 15 and Mr Jeon married her when y/n was 17. he married her only for the kids and same goes to her.

y/n felt really lucky to have mother like her because she really loved y/n like her own daughter. she took care of y/n more than her own daughter. just like Mr. Jeon it was second marriage of Mrs. Jeon. she already had a daughter with her ex-husband but her ex-husband left them both for another girl when her daughter was only five.

mrs. Jeon married Mr. Jeon only because she wanted to take care of her elder sister's childrens. y/n mother and mrs. Jeon were sister. when y/n mother was on her death bed she took promise from mrs.Jeon to take care of her childrens, and that how Mr and mrs. Jeon married each other.

just went y/n was about to call them she heard footsteps and looked up only to see her oppa or twin brother Jeon Jungkook coming down.

when Jungkook noticed y/n he stopped on his track. when he text her in morning he didn't thought that she will come. he is seeing his sister after so many years. from inside he is very happy and excited but he didn't show her. he missed her so much. he really wanted to hug her right there but he controlled himself.

"I didn't thought you will come. " he said a little coldly though he didn't wanted to.

his voice caught the attention of Mr. and mrs. Jeon and saw y/n standing at the entrance. watching her after so many years Mrs. jeon felt so happy that she had some tears in her eyes. she really wanted to run to her and hug her. just as she was about to run towars her Mr. jeon cough a little to bring her back of her imagination.

why not afer so many years I got to meet my parents so obviously I have to come." she smiled a little.

being not able to control herself Mrs. jeon finally went near y/n and hold her hands "how are you y/n?" she had little tears in her eyes. she really wanted to meet y/n all these years but she feared Mr. jeon.

"I am fine mom. how are you?" "you came back now I am also fine. come sit I have so many things to ask you" she took her near couch.

Mr. jeon and jungkook were silently listening to both of them. all these years they also missed her, they wanted to ask so many things but they controlled themselves.

when y/n and Mrs. jeon were talking they heard some footsteps looking up y/n saw sana coming down stairs. if you are asking what she is doing here? why she is coming from upstairs? sana came from up stairs because she is Mrs. jeon daughter. and sana lives with them only. this was also the reason they all were holding themselves back because they didn't wanted sana to feel like she is outsider.

"sana come and meet y/n" said mrs. jeon she wanted break this awkward situation she wanted her family to live like before. now sana also came back from states so she wanted her old and happy family back.

sana just smile and greeted y/n "how are you y/n?" "I am fine how are you sana?"

"I am also doing fine. you see now I am very successful and I finally completed my

dream and now I came back to have what was mine from the start because you see my life is still incomplete without it" said sana all understand that sana was trying to look down upon y/n and they were little

angry. specially Mr. jeon and jungkook because no one dares to look down upon daughter/sister.but they control themselves because it's right for sana to talk like this after what y/n did to her.

all were scared of what thing sana was talking about and were sacred. she was talking about taehyung but they can't do anything. no matter what y/n is still the person they all love very much but can't do anything if taehyung decided to leave y/n and live with sana.

"I am happy that all your dreams are completed and I hope that you will get back the thing for which you came back" y/n said leaving all shock. because they all knew y/n also Loves taehyung a lot.

suddenly jungkook felt so sad for his sister. if possible when taehyung decided to leave he will do anything to make taehyung not leave her. even if he didn't show his sister is always the first priority in his life. and he will do anything to make her happy.

mrs. jeon didn't like the atmosphere. after so many years all are together but here they are behaving like this. so she decided to break this.

"y/n don't you want to go and look at your room" she said and y/n nooded her head and went up to take a look at her room.

when y/n went up mrs. jeon glared at sana but she just ignored her and said "I am going out and will come back later. "tim "came back till dinner time" mrs. jeon said strictly. but sana just ignored her and went out.


y/n came inside and saw her room. it was still like before and it felt like someone still lives here. her dad or brother must have order the workers to clean the room regularly. she smile a little and checked the things in her room. all the things were we're kept in same place how she left them. she layed on her bed and closed her eyes. suddenly she thought of the night seven years ago.


y/n was in club with her friends. they all came here because today was sana's birthday and they all came here to celebrate it. y/n was sitting on counter alone while drinking. she saw taehyung and sana dancing together. they both were so close to each other. she was feeling so hurt but couldn't do anything so she started drinking more.

y/n felt to go to washroom. she went there and after doing her business when she was coming back she saw one couple kissing each other. the corridor was empty and y/n was a little tipsy everything was blur in front of her. but she find the girl familiar but she was not able to see her face.

she tried and even though ever think was blur she could tell that the couple noticed her. she heard "baby do something she noticed us now what we will do? " she heard more Mummering and after sometimes she feld someone press a handkerchief on her mouth and she passed out.

Next morning

when y/n opened her eyes she saw an unfamiliar room. her head her whole body hurt a lot. she looked at side and saw taehyung sleeping beside her. she checked herself and him and yes they both were naked. and they both even have some marks on there there body. her eyes widen and she tried got up but taehyung held her hand.

"after what you did with me last night now you are trying to run away" y/n face paled and she asked keeping blanket near her chest area. "so now you are behaving all innocent" he said in disbelief "taehyung please tell me I don't remember anything" "yesterday night I came here looking for sana but found you and when I tried to go back you hugged me said you like me and you tried to force yourself on me. i don't know how I loose control over Myself but I am sure you must have mixed so something in my drink because I felt different with my body"taehyung said

just than the door opened reveling sana. she had tears in her eyes and there both eyes widen. "how can you both do this with me?" she said crying hard

taehyung got up and wore his pants and went near sana he tried to touch her she backed away "don't try to touch me Kim taehyung" "sana please listen to me I didn't did anything" at that time y/n also find her colthes and wore them.

she went towars sana and tried to say something but instead got a slap. "you are my sister y/n how could you do this with me" till that time all came "I told you something was wrong but you didn't believe me" said sana's best friend lia. "yesterday night I saw them coming to this room." said lia

"listen sana trust me I came here for you but instead I found her and I really didn't wanted to do that" taehyung tried to explain"but see now you both are here in this position you clearly cheated on sana with her"said jimin. "I didn't wanted to but I felt something strange with my body trust me I fealt so hot and y/n was forcing upon me and after that I also don't remember clearly what happened. but y/n was forcing herself on me and I am sure she mixed something in my drink that why I feel that and she Even confessed yesterday that she like me" said taehyung

"we knew you like him but didn't thought you could do something so low y/n" said yoongi disappointed "y/n if you really loved him you could have just let him go how can you do this" said Namjoon

y/n tried to explain herself but no one was listening her. she didn't remember a thing but she knew someone framed her. but why? and who? all were blaming y/n and calling her live obsession. that day all were disappointed in her.

when other family got to know about this they were very shocked. and that the reason they started hateing her. because after that incident sana left the country and taehyung was heart broken and he was in very bad situation. taehyung mom and jennie both started to hate y/n because they couldn't see taehyung in that situation.

all knew how much taehyung and sana loved each other. all blamed y/n for separating them. only Mr. Kim and mrs. jeon tried to understand y/n and supported her. all was back to normal until one day y/n faint and doctor announced that she is pregnant.

all were shocked about that news and thought to get them both married. tough taehyung didn't wanted it because he was already heart broken but all forced him for the child. and he started hating y/n more.

after there marriage they all behaved coldly with her. during there marriage taehyung always ignored her including his family. they took care of her but always behaved coldly with her. after the birth of taesoo they thought to forgive y/n but taehyung heartbroken state always stop them.

in this seven years she tried to melt their heart but nothing worked so she gave up.

Flashback end

y/n came out of her thought when she heard the the maid calling her downstairs.

she went down and sat beside mrs. jeon but she heard mr. jeon saying. "all should sat on there places" she understood Mr. jeon wanted her to sit beside him. because she always use to sit beside him on dinning. Mrs. jeon eyes sparkle and she said y/n to sit beside him "haa this old hag finally melting for his daughter. no matter what i know you can't live without her. I just hope jungkook also gave up and they both forgive her"

"where is sana?" y/n asked just as Mrs jeon was about to answer her maid came and said "ms.sana is back" but her next sentence made all of them stiff "Mr.kim also came with her"


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