Chapter 3

y/n came out of the room after doing her morning routine. she went near couch took her place. currently she is staying with her bestie in her house.when she left that house she doesn't know where to go because after that incident even her parents disowned her. so she couldn't even go to her parents home. it's been many years she saw her dad. she really misses him but she can't go to meet him. her life is totally miserable. if not for the child she had already thought to end her life countless times.

she watched blankly on the black screen of television in front of her. she again started thinking about taehyung. no matter what it's not easy to forget him because she loved him from very long time. they both were childhood best friends. there dads were best friends and business partners and that's how they became best friends. from childhood they both always stay with each other. they both even went to same school and college. when they both were in college they both even had same faculty. that where it all started and ended.


y/n was seating in library in a corner place. she was writting something. she was totally concentrate in what she was writting, when she finished her work she smile showing her bunny teeth. than she wrapped the paper in a plane envelope than put that in her bag. after getting her things she went out of there.

y/n looked here and there and saw no one was here than she took out the envelope and put it in the locker.

"got you" she screamed when someone put a hand on her shoulder. "Aahhhh" she turned around and she relaxed and keep a hand on her chest to clam down her heart.

"seriously liza you scared me" she said little angry.

"hahahahaha you looked so funny y/n"

y/n started to walk away from there and liza followed her.

"ok y/n i am sorry" she said cutely side hugging her. "but seriously y/n you should just propose him instead of writing him letters. don't you see whenever he talk about his secret admire anyone can tell that he is in love with her."

"I know liza, I am just scared what if he reject me after finding out that it's me who was writing him letters. what if he only think of me as his friend only."

"don't worry I am damn sure taehyung will never do that. i am sure he will be very happy to find out that it's you who was writing him letters from one year. he will be very happy to find out that you are his secret admire."

"really" y/n asked hoping what liza is saying is true.

"yes! now promise me you will tell him that you are his secret admire and propose him" liza said forwarding her hand. y/n also keep her hand on hers and promised her.

after that they both went to canteen where all were waiting for them. they both took there seat and jungkook asked "where were you both"

"we both went to library because we wanted some books" y/n said

"hahaha! sorry but library? and you both, are you both ok or do you have fever? let me check" jimin said and they both look at him with done face.

"jimin don't tease them. and it's very good that they both are finally concentrating on there studies" Namjoon said and Hoeseok nooded in agreement but suddenly yoongi said something who was very silent from starting.

"what books did you take from library"

y/n and liza just smiled nervously.

"yes yes tell us" jimin said with a cheeky smile because now he understood that both were lieing and he wanted to tease them. he knew these two girls very well.

"that oppa we didn't find the book in library" y/n said first because don't wanted her secret to be known to these guys before taehyung. she knew they will tease her and there mouth cannot be kept shut for a long time.

"btw where is taehyung? "liza asked changing the topic

"he must somewhere reading his secret admirer letters with a blushing face" just when hindi said this taehyung entered in canteen and took his seat beside jennie.

"oppa where where you" she asked teasingly taehyung cleared his throat and said "I went to meet classteacher she called me"

"how came classteacher calls you at this time everyday." jin asked

"oohh really! that mr Lee called" taehyung said

"he also called you day before yesterday" Hoeseok said

"that Mr Kim?"

"he also called you before that" Namjoon said

"ms song?"

"she also called you last week"jungkook said

"Mrs. Lee?"

"she called you yesterday" now everyone said shaking there head

"that mr-" he was cut off when yoongi slammed his spoon on table

"comon Kim taehyung we all know where you went stop lying to us and just tell us what she wrote today"

taehyung face was whole red when everyone caught him and lowered his head while blushing when he thought about his secret admire. and he started to tell them while blushing and everyone started to tease him while y/n whole focus was on tae. she decided that tomorrow she will propose him and reveal that she is his secret admire

Next day

y/n was going near lockers to put the letter. today she wrote him to meet her in park at evening because she will revel herself. but suddenly taehyung came near her with a big smile on his face. he dragged her from there without saying anything and took her to the ground where everyone was present.

"commn tae just tell us what happen" suga asked annoyed

"yes tell us we are waiting for a long time" liza said and everyone nooded there head. and started to ask him questions.

"ok ok today I have one announcement to make" taehyung said and hold sana hand who was standing beside him.

"we both are dating "taehyung said while sana lowered her head while blushing. everyone was silent while y/n felt something breaking inside her.

"commn tae don't fool around" liza said first and hold y/n hand because she knew how y/n must be feeling now.

"I am not fooling around liza I am seriou we both are dating. we both loved each other from a long time and yesterday we both finally confessd to each other" taehyung said

"what about your secret admirer? "yoongi asked little angrily he suddenly wanted to punch taehyung.

"yes it's true that I used to like that letters but I don't even know who that person is I can't just fall some girl who only write me letters and is not ready to show me her face or even a name. I liked sana from a long time so that's what only matters to me now. "taehyung said

"you are crazy taehyung" liza said angrily and went from there.

everyone heard him and were little sad but when he confessd that he was in love with sana so they just left the matter aside and started to Contatulate them both.

y/n was stood frozen in one place and taehyung each words roam in her mind. she looked and saw how perfect they both look. how sana was blushing when taehyung winked at her. they both looks so much in love with each other.

now y/n realised that she can't do anything and her chapter stops here. she have to let go of him. she turned around and let her tears fall and went from there without saying anything.

flashback ends

y/n came out of her thought when she felt a hand on her shoulder. she turned around and saw liza. she really is thankful to have a friend like her because liza never left her side, she was always there whenever she needed someone to lean on.

"y/n breakfast is ready" before y/n could deny it liza said "even if you don't want to eat at least think about your baby" y/n just nooded her head and they went to have there breakfast

In Kim's Mansion

Mr. Kim was reading newspaper and Mrs. Kim was playing with taesoo when jennie came to them and said

"I am worried about oppa. till now he didn't came down stairs. what must be he doing inside his room till now? and now that sana is back and y/n left the house he should be happy right. "jennie said worridly sitting beside Mrs. Kim

"so now you mean that sana aunty will come and become my mom?"taesoo interrupted. he know that y/n is his mom and he enjoyed spending time with her. but when he turned three all people around started to tell him how much his mother is bad and she did a unforgivable sin. he also noticed how coldly all were treating her. he also got to know that the place of his mother belongs to someone else. all told him about sana and told him when she will come back she will live with them and she will become his mother. so following everyone's action he also started to treat y/n coldly.

"baby for now you should not think about this. go and get ready today you have to school" said jennie and signal a maid to take taesoo with her.

"mom we should go and check on oppa" Mrs. Kim nodded

Mrs. Kim and jennie went to taehyung's room but found it empty, they called for him but instead just got silence. they serched balcony and washroom but didn't found him they went out and searched for him but didn't found him anywhere. while searching all the room they went stood in front of y/n room. though it's impossible for taehyung to be found here they opened the door and finally saw him sitting near her bed without any emotions.

whole night taehyung was in y/n room thinking about her. he is regretting his each and every action. how stupid he was to fall for someone else. in these seven years of there marriage each and every day he only gave her pain. he thought that she did something horrible to him and he blamed her all these years but the truth was opposite. he really ruined her life.

whole night he cried thinking about her. now even the tears were not coming out. he sat near her bed leaning on her bed silently. he doesn't know what to do how to bring her back he is very ashamed to even show her his face.

he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked up and saw Mrs. Kim and jennie. seeing there worried expression he couldn't hold back and again started to cry and hugged Mrs Kim tightly.

"tae what happen? " he just shook his head and cried harder.

"oppa tell us you are making us worried. and what are you doing here? " but taehyung just shook his head and said something which make them confuse.

"it was y/n who used to write me letters."


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