Chapter 2

Taehyung was reading some documents when door opened reveling his best friend jimin.

"heard that sana came back."

taehyung just hummed but didn't stoped reading his documents. jimin was little nervous but today he had one mission which is to keep taehyung busy whole day.

"Taehyung let's go to club tonight"


"Then let's go to construction site of Mr. Lee project"


"Than Mr. min-"

"Jimin today I am busy. I can't go anywhere" "but why" he winned "jimin I am going to meet sana tonight"he said seriously.

"common taehyung it's already seven years you have to move on now you are married to y/n and you both already have a son. can't you just leave with her. " jimin said now he was getting angry watching his friend still behaving like this.

"jimin you don't understand. you are getting-" "no taehyung you are being stubborn

here. I understand that y/n did a mistake in past but now she already got her

punishment. can't you just give your marriage one chance. can't you see how much

she loves you. "taehyung was quite listening to jimin with clam face.

"jimin next time don't interfere in my matter if you don't know anything"

jimin look at him in disbelief "ok mr. Kim from now on I will stay in my limits, but remember one day you will regret everything".

saying this jimin strommed out of his office. he was very furious that he wanted to punch taehyung on his face till he start to bleed. he really cares for taehyung and he knew that y/n is perfect for him that that so called love of his life sana. y/n is like sister to him and he really cares for her even though he behaves cold with her. And today he wanted to protect her marriage life with taehyung but looks like he can't.

taehyung was thinking about jimin words that he pull the drawer and take out the photo frame from it. it was the wedding photo of his an y/n.

one can easily tell that both are forced in this marriage by looking at their face.

taehyung looked at the photo for some more seconds that again put it back and close the drawer.

taehyung leaned on his chair and close his eyes thinking about the day when he went to y/n's room one month ago.


Taehyung came inside y/n room to find some documents if he left as he yesterday "spend" his "night" in this room. he couldn't find y/n so he himself looked around her room. he started to find here and there but couldn't find it. he opened the closet thinking y/n must have kept it safely in it and serched for it.

while he was finding it he suddenly found a diary. thought it was plane from outside but it looked attractive.

'it must be y/n diary' he thought but he suddenly felt the need to check it.

he was never interested in her life. though they both were childhood friends after that incident he only felt disgust towards her. but he still find her attractive sometimes. and nowadays he is interested in her life. so he took the diary and started to read it.

he opened the diary found his photos when they were best friends. but looks like she secretly used to click his photos. thinking this he smiled a little.

that he started reading it and found out that she had crush on him from a long time and he doesn't had any idea of it. that he started to read her diary.

"Today taehyung won the football match"

"look at him making a cold face just like those of cold husband fan fictions"

"a long drive with my tae"

"he really is in love with food. look at him behaving like a small baby"

"he is angry because I ate his chocolates and now not talking to me"

"he thinks he looks cool with that lollipop in his mouth and behaving like mafia who is smoking"

till now taehyung had a smile on his face remembering old day. they both were so happy together with each other. but look at them now. she wrote so many things about him no actually everything about him only. but suddenly he noticed something and he furrowed his eyebrows and look closely at it. he stood up with diary and went to his room.

coming inside his room he took the box from the closet and took out some papers. though the paper was old but he kept them safely and neatly.

he kept the diary and one paper side by side and observe it. and yes it matched. than he took another paper with the diary but it didn't match no matter how much try to observe it clearly. so he took other pages just like the second one and he placed them all with the diary but it didn't matched no matter how much he tried. so he took other paper just like the first one place them with diary and all of them matched perfectly.

he was very confused. that suddenly one thought came to his mind and he gulped hard and his eyes widen

"no no it can't be like that." he suddenly felt so scared just thinking about that possibility. he was trying to console himself that whatever he was thinking must be wrong.

"it's all because of y/n. she is messing with my mind"

flashback ends

Taehyung came out of his thoughts when he heard his secretary voice

"sir it's time for your meeting with ms. sana"

taehyung opened his singnal his secretary to wait for him. he got up fixed his clothes.

he was waiting for her from so many years and today he finally will meet her. they have so many misunderstanding and he wants to solve them all. that only he can leave in peace and make everything right.


Taehyung was standing in front of the door which was booked by his secretary. his heart is beating very fast. he doesn't know how she react. and he himself don't know what what he will say to her. but he have to today itself because he don't know if he will get another chance and he is scared that it will get too late to bring everything in right track.

he took a feel breathe and opened the door. he saw the girl sitting there with a soft smile watching him. the girl he called the love of his life.

sana stood up and hugged taehyung "how are you tae? did you missed me? I am sorry for leaving you without giving you a chance, you know how much I love you and I just couldn't handle the betrayal you both gave me. but now I cleared my mind and came back to you and I promise I will never leave you."

feeling taehyung didn't hugged her back she broke the hug and asked him

"What happened tae are you not happy to see me"

"It's not like that sana I was just so surprised"

Sana took him near tabel and the both sat on there places. she took his hand in her and said him.

"I know you must be surprised. but taehyung now I decided to give you a chance and I want to hear each and everything from you.' 11

Taehyung smiled softly and said

"I was also so eager to meet you and waiting for this day because today I want to clear each and everything"


later that night

Taehyung came inside the house and saw his mom, dad and sister with taehoo were sitting on a couch. they all were awake till late night.

"dad when did you came back and what are you all doing till this late" he asked

"I came just one hour ago"mr Kim said

" and we are waiting for you to tell you about your so called wife" Mrs Kim said

"what happened to y/n" taehyung asked little tensed.

"nothing when we all were out she ran away" hearing this taehyung eyes widen. he now realised something is wrong and he knew Mrs. Kim will not tell him perfectly so he called the maid and asked her about what happen when he was not present.

"when everyone went out mrs. Kim went out with a suitcase and didn't came back till now. " she answered

taehyung panicked and went went to her room. he opened her closed and her clothes were not there. he stumbled back and sat on the floor. he saw a paper on the table and took it. his heart skip a beat when he realised what it was. it was divorce papers which already had her sign.

a note fell from papers he picked it up and saw it was the note from y/n.he sat there on the floor and started reading it.

Dear taehyung,

I know that now sana came you must be very happy you were eagerly waiting for her from seven years. just like you I was also waiting for this day so that i can free you from this unwanted marriage, because I still remember that this place doesn't belong to me and I am just a showpiece of this House. so today i am freeing you from this unwanted marriage so that you can go back to sana without any worry. taehyung I know whatever happened in the past for that you can never forgive me but once again I am sorry for breaking your relationship with sana. I already wasted your seven years so from now on live happily with her. and tell taesoo that I am very sorry for not being a good mom but tell him that I really love him. please taehyung take cake of my taesoo and yourself.


Taehyung read the letter and his tears were continuously falling from his eyes. he couldn't believe that y/n left him but he deserves this for what he did to her. now that he finally was going to solve every misunderstanding between them she left him. he put his hand near his heart it was paining him a lot. he was chocking on his tears. but that he thought just like y/n didn't give up on him from so many years how can he easily give up. he must find her before it gets late. he must bring her back and solve everything between them. though she not forgive him easily but he can wait just like her. he believes one day everything will come back to normal and they can finally live there happily just like he promised her.

"I promise to bring you back y/n"


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