Chapter 1

Y/n opened her eyes and looked on her left side only to see an empty bed. sighing she got up and went for her morning routine. after doing her morning routine she went down only to see her mother and sister-in-law talking to each other. y/n was making breakfast for everyone just like everyday but she stopped hearing jennie her sister-in-law sentence.

"mom i heard that sana unnie came back to Korea" hearing this her mother screamed in happiness "really, did she really came back? is she ready to give my son one more chance? "jennie gave her wide smile and said "I don't know if she will give oppa one more chance or not but for sure I know that now that she came back oppa will try everything to make her forgive him"

y/n was hearing to them both with a bitter smile on her face. she very well knew that they both were talking loudly specially for her to hear. they wanted to tell her that "she" came back and now her time of moving out of this house came. she can do nothing but hear all things without saying anything with a bitter heart.

"What do you think now that she came back what oppa will do and for how many more days we have to tolerate her? "jennie said pointing towards y/n with her eyes. Mrs. Kim just smile "don't worry now that sana is back everything will go back to normal like it was before" they both were talking when a little boy near six year old came towards them.

"good morning aunt and grandma" little boy said sitting on his grandma's lap Mrs. Kim picked his cheeks and greated him back. Jennie smiled and pulled his cheeks "how are you my taesoo? " jennie asked "I am fine aunt jennie. how are you and will you take me to the playground? you promised me last time" he said excitedly. "of course my baby today my day is off so I will take you to playground with me" jennie said.

all the while when the three pair were talking happily y/n was watching them. to be specific she was watching her son taesoo. it really hurt her when her own son is ignoring her. she doesn't remember when was the last time he called her mom happily with a smile on his face.

taesoo is her son who she gave birth while keeping him in her womb for nine months. he is the reason she was able to enter in Kim's house as there daughter-in-law. taesoo was her only light in darkness but now he also turned his back to her just like everyone in this house. but she is happy for him. at least he is able to receive the love and care of everyone. she is happy that her son is not living the life she lives.

while y/n was looking at her son lovingly a pair of eyes were fixed on her without her knowing. he saw how loving her gaze was towards their son, how she was controlling herself to not go near him and pamper him. watching everything thing he clenched his jaws in anger to control himself.

Taehyung came down in his office attire and went on the dining table. he sat on his chair and made some noise signaling y/n about his presence that he is waiting for breakfast. after sometime Mrs. Kim, Jennie and taesoo also went near dinning and took there place. they all were happily talking and taehyung was secretly looking at y/n who was buzy in serving them. they all started to eat while while y/n went from there without having hers.

thinking it is a right time jennie decided to ask taehyung "oppa do you know sana unnie came back? "taehyung just nooded his head without saying anything

"so oppa what will you do now? will you go to meet her? are you thinking to go back to her? oppa now that finally she came back please don't let her go again. you don't have to worry about anything, we will-"

getting irritated taehyung stood up without finishing his breakfast

"I am going to office and tonight I will came back late so don't wait for me. "

saying this he went away from there.

"how can you say him this directly. he must be very stressed already. let him cool down and then talk to him." Mrs. kim said to jennie

"it's ok mom now is the only time we should talk to him otherwise it will be late and he said he will came late tonight I sure he will go to sana unnie" jennie said shrugging her shoulder.

coming inside the room y/n locked the door and went near closet and took out some documents.

one is her pregnancy report which states that she is one month pregnant and other is divorce papers. one week ago she already got to know that sana is coming back through taehyung secretary when he was telling this to taehyung. she went there to tell taehyung about her pregnancy but she heard something unaccepted.

she stood outside the door waiting for taehyung reaction but she herd nothing but after sometime she heard him say

"arrange my meeting with her the day she is coming back"

she knew that moment that her time to leave taehyung came. from starting she knew that taehyung was never hers but fate bring them together. she knew she is leaving someone else life. this life, position and taehyung doesn't belongs to her.

and now the right person is coming she have to leave them all. it's time to woke up from fantasies. it's time to face reality.

so instead of giving him pregnancy report she went to lawyer to make divorce papers. she knew that taehyung will never allow her to take taesoo with her. and taesoo will also never want to go with her. so now only this baby in her belly is her Only hope. taehyung and his family already took her one child now she cannot afford to give them her second child also. so hiding her pregnancy is the only way to keep her child to herself.

looking down at divorce papers she suddenly remember her wedding night with taehyung.


y/n was setting on her bed while looking at her lap. she was fiddling with her fingers nervously. she had many thought going on in her mind. how can everything become like this. she is so scared she never wanted things to turn out like this.

she suddenly heard some footsteps and look towars door. door opened and revealed a drunk taehyung. he was very drunk while mumbling something smiling like a fool. he noticed y/n and said

"you must be very happy right today we finally got married"

he went near her and touched her cheeks while saying

"I am sooo happy baby today we finally got married. right SANA"

taehyung started to touch her which make her uncomfortable. she tried to stop him but he was strong. getting irritated taehyung pushed her in bed and hovered over her

"don't you wanted this Y/N. now see I am giving you what you wanted"

"taehyung please listen to me. you are drunk now we will-"

"thought I drank but I am sober. I still remember how you separated me from sana with the dirty trick of yours. you very well knew that how much we love each other and were going to marry. but you really played well. "

"I never knew you were this vicious under that innocent friend"

now y/n was crying non stop shaking her head. she really wanted to tell him that she is innocent and she is the real victim but no one is listening to her. all are blaming her without listening to her side of story.

taehyung got up and fixed his clothes

"thought you able to marry me but listen carefully I will never treat you as my wife. this place, position and my heart belong to someone else. you were able to enter my house but can never make your place in my heart. you are my wife in front of world but inside this house you are nothing more that a showpiece. just like me my family also don't accept you, so know your place and "

he hold her arm and drag her out of the door

"don't you dare to came inside my room"

saying this he close the door leaving y/n out crying her heart out.

flashback ends

y/n came out of thought and stared to pack her things in a suitcase. today now she decided to free taehyung from this unwanted marriage. it was very good for her that he tolerated her for seven years. now she can't ask for anything more.

taking her suitcase y/n went down. it is a correct time for her to leave this place because now no one is at home. jennie took taesoo with her to playground and Mrs. Kim is out to meet her friends. while going she doesn't wanted to create any drame so she decided to leave when no one is at home.and maids will not dare to question her.

Though she wanted to see taesoo one last time but she knew that her baby will not be happy to see her. about taehyung she loves him a lot and what she is doing today is only for him.

In there seven years of marriage she tried melting his heart but everythink went in vain. now she is tired and she wanted to free both of them. she wanted to see him happy and she wanted to live her life and she wanted to do everything for her upcoming baby which she was never able to do for taesoo

thinking about taesoo she had tears in eyes but she control them. she really wanted to hear "omma" from him but she don't know what is stopping him for calling her mom. she will miss her baby a lot.

looking around one last time y/n went out of house and sat on the cab which she booked.

cab started to and she closed her eyes letting her tears fall which she was holding from a long time.


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