Chapter 2

In meeting room taehyung was sitting on the main chair discussing about his upcoming project with business partner when suddenly door open Reaviling his Secretary. He didn't pay attention to him and just continued about his project. But ohh God looks like his secretary has something important to tell him..

Yeonjun: sir just now madam called me.

He whisper in taehyung's ear. Hearing this taehyung frowned and said to him in low voice that only they both can hear.

Taehyung: I already told you don't distrub me in meeting. Can't you handle her like always don't disturb me for some minor things.

But yeonjun was scared that if he don't tell what his madam had just said to his boss that his boss may cut off his head fir not telling him this "minor" thing.

Yeonjun: sir mam said-

Taehyung: what happen yeonjun today you are not behaving yourself I said don't disturb me.

Taehyung looks displeased because today his secretary is disobeying him because it's not like yn called First time she always call him and yeonjun always handle her by telling her about taehyung situation. And whenever they are he would delivere her message to taehyung. It's the first time yeonjun is interupting his meeting for telling yn message.

Yeonjun: sir mam wants diviorce.

Their was silence when suddenly

Taehyung: sorry everyone but due to some matter we can't continue the meeting hope you can understand.

Without waiting for anyone taehyung went out of room with a following yeonjun not after bowing to everyone in the meeting room.

Entering the cabin taehyung started to loose his tie as if someone was chocking him and he is not able to take breath.

He sat on his chair and started to think about what his secretary told him




that "wife" of his wanted divorce

How dare she. Now which kind of trick she is playing with him

Without lifting his head he asked yeonjun

Taehyung: what did she say?

Yeonjun: sir man called me and said that she wants diviorce and that she already signed it left from house.

This is what he managed to say whan he saw that his boos mood is not ok. Even he was surprised to see his reaction. The Kim taehyung left his meeting because of his wife divorce notice.

Suddenly taehyung started to laugh loudly making his poor Secretary scare.

Taehyung: Which kind of trick is she playing. How dare is think about divorce. Is rejecting me Or dumping me. Is marriage a play thing for her.

He started to think if he did something wrong but no he didn't did any wrong thing he treated her right as his wife. He gave her money, fame, dresses, jewellery and so on. She have everything than why the hell divorce. Doesn't she behave like an obedient wife like she is.

Taehyung: what do you think what does she want now.

Yeonjun: I don't know.

Taehyung: ask her directly what does she want and just give her and shut her up.

Yeonjun: but Mrs. Kim seems serious about this matter and

Taehyung: and what?

Yeonjun: resently there some rumors about you and ms. Monoban about dating.

Taehyung: what

Yeonjun: yes

Taehyung took a deep breath as expected his wife could never live him without any reason. She love him a lot that she can't bear to live without him.

So she just misunderstood the situation nothing else.

Taehyung: tell her don't take this kind of things seriously and drop the plan of divorce. Explain her clearly ever think I don't want this type of things to happen again

Yeonjun: ok

Before he could make a call to explain everything he got a call from unknown number. To attend the call he went out of cabin and after speaking to the person he hurried back to cabin not knowing how to blast another bomb afer the divorce one.

Yeonjun: sir

Taehyung: what happened now what wrong with you did your girlfriend asked for breakup.

"First because of your workload all my girlfriends left me. And now I didn't have time to find someone for me and you still dare to ask me about my girlfriend" Yeonjun thought to himself but just thought he didn't dare to say it loud.

Yeonjun: no sir it's about Mrs. Kim

Taehyung: what now why is she suddenly behaving so much disobedient today.

Yeonjun: sir mrs. Kim have an accident.

Suddenly taehyung heart skip a beat. And suddenly he fealt like someone was again chocking him and he can't breath.

taehyung: cancel my schedule and let's go back to korea.


going to hospital was the first thing taehyung did after landing to korea. he was desparetly hoping it was a prank of his little wife just to get his attention. his hands was trembling due to thinking of worst consequences because yeonjun told him that she was injured badly.

asking receptionist he went there he found nurses and doctors has already treated y/n.he asked doctor about her condition

doctor: she survived despite how death dealing her injuries were. she even showed signs of regaining consciousness a few minute ago.

entering the hospital room both taehyung and yeonjun instantly proved that what doctor said was the biggest understatement of the decade.

y/n isn't unconscious to begin with. she is wide awake

y/n: who are you


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